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Created 14-Aug-13
Modified 16-Jan-24
Visitors 19
48 photos

Schwabacher's LandingSchwabacher's LandingTent in Cascade Canyon, TetonBackpacker and Son, Cascade CanyonLake Solitude, TetonGlacier Lillies, Cascade Canyon, TetonCascade CanyonPaintbrush Divide Panorama, TetonPaintbrush Divide, TetonTent in Cascade Canyon, TetonCascade CanyonCascade Canyon, TetonStart of Cascade Canyon, TetonTeton Panorama from Willow FlattsHeron at Schwabacher's LandingSchwabacher's LandingSchwabacher's LandingSchwabacher's LandingSchwabacher's LandingHikers, Lake of the Crags